Club News
Published 1:01 pm Sunday, September 14, 2014

Austin Mayo Auxillary
The Austin Mayo System’s Auxillary served an appreciation ice cream social for all employees and volunteers on Thursday, Sept. 4. The event was sponsored by Mayo System’s foundation. It was well received on a very hot day.
Duplicate Bridge
Tournament results for Sept. 3 with four tables played: First place, Dee Gemmel and Dave Ring; second place, Eunice Michaelis and Warren Behrends; third place, Jim Fisher and Bud Higgins; fourth place (tie) Gus Brandt and Tom Flaherty and Bonnie Fritz and Darnell Fairbanks.
Duplicate Bridge is played each Wednesday at noon at the Mower County Senior Center in Austin. All Bridge players are welcome. Call Dave Ring at 507-434-4189.
Golden Age Membership
Hazel Baldner, chairperson, conducted the monthly meeting of the Golden Age Club on Sept. 3.
Chaplin, Dee Murphy, read a prayer for servicemen and women.
Elaine Reynolds made the motion and was seconded by Shirley DeYoung to accept the secretary and treasurer’s report as read.
A September wedding anniversary will be celebrated by Josephy and Ruth VanHooser. Marion Rolfson was a guest. 500 was played at nine tables. Marion Holdgrafer furnished the lunch.
Anyone 55 and older are welcome to join.