Report of man with gun likely a false alarm
Published 2:40 pm Monday, August 18, 2014

Austin police and sheriff’s deputies prepare to try and enter a house where a man with a gun was reported. However, Police Chief Brian Krueger said no one was at the residence and the report may have been false. Eric Johnson/
A report of a man with a gun near Neveln Elementary School Monday was likely a false alarm, according to Police Chief Brian Krueger.
Austin police were called to a residence on the 1900 block of E. Oakland Ave. just north Neveln Elementary School around 12:04 p.m.
A man told police he knocked on a house that his girlfriend and children were in, but a man came to door with a shotgun and pointed it at him. Officers set up a perimeter, but the person who called in the report left the scene. He was later called back. Police questioned him and found inconsistencies with his story.
Officers later got in touch with someone who lived at the property, who told police no one was in the home at the time of the report. Officers searched the residence and found no one, according to Krueger.
Krueger said police are still investigating. As of 2 p.m., the man who called in the report was being questioned.
If the report proves false, Krueger said the victim could be charged with filing a false police report.
“Obviously we take these kind of calls extremely serious,” he said. “Put a lot of manpower in.”
Along with the Austin Police Department, the Mower County Sheriff’s Office assisted on scene.