100M4HUNGER: All you need is a little hope to get going

Published 9:55 am Friday, August 1, 2014

By Kelly Nsvold


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Kelly Nesvold, owner of Wellness 1st Chiropractic, is running 100 miles Oct. 11 and 12 to raise money to buy 100,000 meals Through Convoy of Hope. Read more here.
You help by attending a Pizza Ranch Fundraiser from 4:30 to 8:30 p.m. on Aug. 6.

Status update:

Miles Ran: 667.01

Calories Burned: 89,100

Estimated Meals Funded: 63,328

Hours Spent Running: 106:28:11

To think that a little over three years ago I did not like to run. Simply running a mile under nine minutes made me exhausted and out of breath to the point of wanting to vomit. The other day, I ran 14 miles at 8:29 per mile average and felt like I could go another 14. Then Friday night I ran the farthest distance I have ever gone, which was a 32-mile run to Blooming Prairie and back. Today I love to run. The journey to get to this point has been a very long one and I think that is an important point worth sharing. I hear patients and friends and even strangers I meet talk about how it is so hard for them to run or exercise and they really want to get into shape but … fill in the blank with any excuse you want. The thing is that getting into shape is not easy but it is possible for everyone and it makes accomplishing your life’s purpose easier. We all have a purpose in life …

Jeremiah 29:11 States: “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

For the first time in my life I feel I have been called to serve a greater purpose. I believe that the world is not here to serve us but we are here to serve the world! The interesting thing is that a lot of people I have come into contact with along the way are looking for a greater purpose and they want to do their part to change the world but I think they are uncertain of how and think, “What can I do?”

I used to wonder the same thing. I am only one person so what is the point of me even trying? My experience in this journey to run 100 miles has been enlightening to say the least and it has helped me to realize that many people are wanting to give they just need others to get them started down the right path. It is very evident by the outpouring of support that occurs on a daily basis! It ranges from a kind word of encouragement, to children sending me envelopes full of money complete with hand drawn pictures on them of me running down the street, to my childhood dentist sending money who I have not spoken to in years, to businesses sponsoring the run, to random people giving varying amounts of money, to a kindhearted soul making earrings with the run logo on them to sell for funds.

The support is pouring out from places I have never considered. All for the greater good of humanity. Just when you think that the world we live in is losing its compassion, amazing things begin to happen that make running 100 miles seem like the most worthwhile venture I have embarked on in a long time.

The beautiful thing is no matter where you are at in life you always have a choice to begin changing the world. All you need is a little hope to get you going. That is what Convoy of Hope is all about. Giving meals and delivering compassion and love to the children of the world so one day they might be crazy enough to change the world too. They say that with one kind gesture you can change a life, and one person at a time we can change the world, and day by day we can then change everything. What kind gesture have you done today? The beginning is that easy.