Senior center gets new and simple phone system

Published 5:13 pm Saturday, July 26, 2014

If you have ever tried to call the Senior Center you have felt our frustration for our phone system.

Thanks to the Hormel Foundation we now have a new phone system. With our new phone system we have all the old numbers and a few new numbers.

To better serve you we each have a direct line that you can call in on. There is no need to worry about remembering a new number because you can still call the same 507-433-2370 number and get to anyone in the building.

Email newsletter signup

If you regularly call one program here are the individuals phone numbers;

Nancy Donahue, Senior Advocate — 507-433-8376

Marianne Zahorik, Advocate/Caregiver Support — 507-433-3462

Sandy Nelson, Chore Program — 507-481-3333

Farrell Terry, Transportation Dispatcher — 507-434-2188

Teresa Bartholomew, Program Coordinator/Rentals — 507-481-3332

Sara Schafer, Director — 507-481-3331

We are all here to serve you.

Our next defensive driving refresher course is from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Wednesday. That same day we will be having walking tacos in the parking lot. See you there.

Don’t forget our coffee shop where every day you can have homemade soup for $1 and a sandwich for 50 cents. Tuesday we will be having Mexiskins in the coffee shop starting at 11:30 a.m. for $2. You are always welcome at the center.

 Upcoming Events

Monday: Blood Pressure Checks, 9 a.m.;Cards (Pinochle, Duplicate Bridge),12:30 p.m.; Exercise with Evie,

1 p.m.; Zumba Gold, 4 p.m.; Zumba, 5:30 p.m.

Tuesday: Silver Sneakers, 8:30 a.m.; Exercise with Evie, 9 a.m.; Mexiskins 11:30 a.m.; Cards (Pinochle, Duplicate Bridge, 500)12:30 p.m.; H.I.I.T., 5 p.m.; Zumba, 5:35 p.m.; Zumba 7 p.m.

Wednesday: Defensive driving, 9 a.m.; Picnic in the lot, 11:30 a.m. Walking Taco’s; cards (Duplicate Bridge, Pinochle, Cribbage), 12:30 p.m.; Stitching Bees, 1 p.m.; Open Chess, 1 p.m.; Zumba Gold, 4 p.m.;

Zumba, 5:35 p.m.

Thursday: Silver Sneakers, 8:30 a.m.; Exercise with Evie, 9 a.m.; Cards (Pinochle, Duplicate Bridge), 12:30 p.m.; open chess, 1 p.m.; Silver Sneakers, 4:30 p.m.;

H.I.I.T., 5 p.m.; Zumba, 5:35 p.m.; Zumba, 7 p.m.

Friday: Cards (Duplicate Bridge, Pinochle, Cribbage),12:30 p.m.; Ping Pong, 3 p.m.

 Weekly Card Results

Monday Bridge

July 14, two tables

1st Dave Solomonson, 2nd Lois Johnson, 3rd Arnie Lang, 4th Loretta Nelson, 5th Quentin Fiala

Tuesday Duplicate Bridge

July 15, six tables

1st Bud Higgins, 1st Arnie Lang; 2nd Millie Siever,

2nd Joyce Crowe; 3rd Teresa Baldus, 3rd Loren Cleland; 4th Rick Stroup, 4th Edna Knobe; 5th Jim Fisher, 5th Lorraine Lippert; 6th Ella Rouhoff, 6th Connie Johnson

Tuesday “500”

July 15, three tables

1st Dennis Bray, 2nd Dorothy Stern, 3rd Betty Fisher


Dave Solomonson

Friday Bridge

July 11, two tables

1st Dave Solomonson, 2nd Millie Siever, 3rd Arnie Lang, 4th John Karnes, 5th Mary Johnsen

Wednesday Cribbage

July 16, two and 1/4 tables

1st John Karnes, 2nd Mabel Vaale, 3rd Loretta Nelson, 4th Barb Dickman

Friday 500

July 18, four tables

1st Jerry Downing, 2nd Dennis Bray, 3rd Beulah Luthe, 4th Eloise Williamette