Wet weather hampers planting

Published 10:07 am Tuesday, May 6, 2014

ST. PAUL — The wet, cold weather is preventing Minnesota farmers from getting much planting done.

In its weekly crop progress and condition report for Minnesota, the U.S. Department of Agriculture says only 8 percent of the state’s corn crop has been planted, which is up 4 percentage points from last week’s report but is still two weeks behind normal.

The report says southwestern Minnesota continues to be the only part of the state where farmers are making progress.

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Widespread precipitation last week meant a statewide average of only 0.9 days were suitable for fieldwork. However, the rain is benefiting soil moisture levels. Subsoil moisture supplies are rated 90 percent adequate to surplus and only 10 percent short. Topsoil moisture is rated 99 percent adequate to surplus and only 1 percent short.