Local support benefits those fighting cancer in mower county

Published 10:16 am Monday, May 12, 2014

By the Relay For Life of Mower County Committee

As the Relay For Life of Mower County committee members gear up for the upcoming walk beginning Saturday, July 26, efforts to raise money for the fight against cancer is of the upmost importance at this time. Local Relay For Life teams have been holding fundraisers, raising money for cancer research, education, advocacy, and to support those people in Mower County currently fighting cancer. In fact, Relay For Life Team IBI Data of Brownsdale, Minn., recently held their annual Black and White Ball, raising more than $10,000 for Relay.

The money raised by Relay For Life teams is only part of the annual fundraising efforts. Corporate sponsorship is critical to the success of each year’s event. Relay For Life of Mower County offers four sponsorship levels for companies to show their support. Soon, companies throughout Mower County will receive a letter seeking corporate sponsorships for the upcoming walk. Please keep an eye out for the letter and reflect on how your business can support this year’s Relay event. Not only will your business be recognized at the walk, you’ll be supporting a night of paying tribute to cancer survivors and to the loved ones who still live on in our hearts. If you or your business are interested in sponsoring or making a contribution to Relay For Life of Mower County, please contact Linda Baier, event chair, at 507-440-1024.

Sandra J. Schulze American Cancer Society Hope Lodge

Email newsletter signup

Did you know that a portion of the money raised for Relay For Life of Mower County helps to support those people with cancer locally? One excellent example of this is to support those that need lodging for treatment in Rochester. The Sandra J. Schulze American Cancer Society Hope Lodge in Rochester has private, comfortable suites for its guests and their caregivers. Hope Lodge offers a home-like environment, in addition to providing its guests a wide variety of cancer programs and services. For more information about the local Hope Lodge, visit www.cancer.org/treatment/supportpro gramsservices/ hopelodge/rochester-mn.

Upcoming fundraiser

Godfather’s Pizza at 600 Oakland Avenue West in Austin has been a loyal supporter of Relay For Life and continues to do so by hosting fundraisers for the Relay For Life of Mower County committee and Relay For Life teams at the restaurant. Make sure to mark Thursday, May 22, on your calendar. The Families With Hope team will be holding a fundraiser at the restaurant from 4 to 7 p.m. The restaurant will donate 10 percent of the evening’s profits and all tips to benefit this year’s Relay event. We hope to see you there.