Fox files to continue run on school board

Published 10:23 am Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Don Fox is looking to bring his decades of experience in education back to the school board.



Fox filed to seek his third term on the board Tuesday.

“I feel the school system has been doing some very fine things,” Fox said. “I want to just continue being a part of that.”

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His desire to be a part of the school system started back in his junior year of high school. Fox said at that point he just “wanted to be somebody in the school.” After teaching in Detroit, Mich., for five years, he coached in Sioux Falls and at the Lincoln High School. He also received a certificate for guidance and counseling.

Upon coming to Austin in 1970, he served as a guidance counselor, a football coach and a physical education teacher. He was the principle at Southgate Elementary and the assistant principle at Austin High School. After he retired about 12 years ago, he took a few interim positions as principal at Hayfield Community Schools for one year and principal at Sumner Elementary for three months.

He then ran for school board.

“I think that my experience helps, I’m a team player, and I just enjoy being associated with schools,” Fox said.

Fox looks to continue work on the Gifted and Talented program, the 45/15 school calendar and the expanding technology in schools.

Outside of school board, he enjoys golfing, attending the Southgate teaching breakfasts, spending time with people he knows from the city and visiting assisted living homes.