Convictions: Feb. 3-7
Published 3:08 pm Saturday, February 15, 2014
Erin Lynn Champlin, 28, of Austin. Convicted of DWI. Sentenced to two years’ supervised probation, 30 days’ electronic home monitoring and fined $500. Offense date: Sept. 29, 2013.
Maribel Cisneros, 23, of Austin. Convicted of DWI. Sentenced to two years’ supervised probation and 26 days’ electronic home monitoring. Fined $500. Offense date: June 22, 2013.
Tammy Jean Davenport, 45, of Austin. Convicted of aiding an offender. Sentenced three years’ supervised probation. Offense date: May 7, 2013.
Lisa Marie Espe, 35, of Austin. Convicted of second-degree criminal sexual conduct. Sentenced to 25 years’ supervised probation. Offense date: July 13, 2013.
Jacob Arthur Allen Groth, 28, of Lime Springs, Iowa. Convicted of DWI. Sentenced to one year of supervised probation and fined $500. Offense date: Oct. 3, 2013.
Seth Andrew Haney, 29, of Austin. Convicted of third-degree DWI. Sentenced to two years’ supervised probation and 30 days’ electronic home monitoring. Fined $500. Offense date: Aug. 11, 2013.
Lukas Johannas Harrington, 33, of Austin. Convicted of first-degree DWI test refusal. Sentenced to seven years’ supervised probation and 30 days’ electronic home monitoring. Fined $100. Offense date: Nov. 26, 2013.
Jerod Allen Hatleli, 32, of Austin. Convicted of theft. Sentenced to one year of probation and fined $300 and must pay $75 restitution. Offense date: Aug. 2, 2013.
Ronald James Hudson, 32, of Austin. Convicted of second-degree DWI. Sentenced to 180 days in jail and fined $500. Offense date: July 3, 2013.
Jessica Lynn Jones, 33, of Austin. Convicted of DWI. Sentenced to two years’ supervised probation and fined $500. Offense date: Aug. 30, 2013.
Martin Galban Vasquez, 44, of Austin. Convicted of DWI. Sentenced to one year of supervised probation and 27 days’ electronic home monitoring. Fined $500. Offense date: Feb. 3, 2013.
Troy Michael Lientz, 38, of Austin. Convicted of DWI. Sentenced to two years’ supervised probation and 29 days’ electronic home monitoring. Fined $500. Offense date: March 22, 2013.
William John Nielsen, 26, of Spring Valley. Convicted of DWI. Sentenced to seven years’ supervised probation and fined $50. Offense date: July 1, 2012.