Minneapolis band Jelloslave will bend your idea of sound

Published 5:01 am Sunday, July 14, 2013



Jelloslave, a new music quartet, will come to Austin for the first time as part of an eight-city Minnesota tour at 7:30 p.m. July 19, at the Paramount Theatre.

The Minneapolis-based band originally began as a duo with two cellists, Michelle Kinney and Jacqueline Ultan.

In 2007, they expanded the group by including two more band members, Greg Schutte; drums and Gary Waryan; tablas. Jelloslave has also recorded two critically acclaimed CD’s, “Touch It” and “Purple Orange.”

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The name ‘Jelloslave’ originally came from the idea that they were slaves to their cellos, band member Kinney said. However, the group decided to change the first letter and ended up with their current name.

“We’ve tried to change the name millions of times,” Kinney said. “but we’re stuck with Jelloslave.”

Kinney describes their music as rhythmic, textural and very experimental depending on the context of their music.

“We all explore the outer limits of the sounds our instruments can make.” Kinney said.

From folk and jazz music to rock and roll, the band is known for the wide range of music they play.

“There will be anything from Bach to Led Zepplin,” Executive director at Paramount Jennie Knoebel said.

They will also play original music as well as improvisation they make up on the spot.

“It’s just our favorite music.” Kinney said.

The band will hold a free workshop at 3 p.m. before the show for students of any age who are intermediate skilled or beyond on their instrument. They will learn about working with improvisation, and how to project and connect with the audience.

All ages are invited to attend. Tickets in advance are $15 for adults and $5 for students. Door tickets will be $2 more. They can be purchased online at paramounttheatre.org