Railroad increasing speed through Austin

Published 5:14 pm Saturday, February 2, 2013

As a result of track upgrades, Canadian Pacific will increase maximum train operating speed from 10 mph to 25 mph north of Austin. The change will be effective Feb. 8.

This change in regulated track speed includes the track over the 540th Avenue crossing north of the city, extends over U.S. 218, and through the 43rd Street Northwest crossing. Canadian Pacific officials say the measure will improve the public traffic flow at railroad grade crossings.

Motorists are reminded when approaching any grade crossing:

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— Be prepared to stop when approaching train tracks.

— Do not attempt to drive around activated crossing gates.

— If a crossing has no flashing lights or gates, look both ways and ensure no trains are approaching before entering the crossing.

— It takes a mile to mile and a half for a train to stop after the brakes are applied.

— If your car stalls on the tracks, get out, move off the tracks, and call 911.

— Never walk on the railroad tracks. The only legal place to cross a railroad line is at a marked grade crossing.