National speaker will highlight school project, Women’s History Month
Published 9:33 am Thursday, February 28, 2013
Lisa Maatz, dynamic speaker and lobbyist for the American Association of University Women, will speak at the Austin High School in light of Women’s History Month.
The speech, 10:15 a.m. March 8 in Knowlton Auditorium, will highlight equal rights, and it’s open to the public.
Maatz is sponsored by the Austin Branch of the American Association of University Women in cooperation with the high school history department. Austin’s branch of AAUW is in its ninth year of sponsoring Women’s History Month activities in cooperation with Austin High School. Peggy Benzkofer and Carolyn Bogott have co-chaired the project for many years. This year, they are working with Honors American History teacher Lisa Sanders.
The class brainstormed topics to research as a class. Students may then select one of the topics on which to conduct research.
The projects will be displayed and judged on Thursday, Feb. 28, between noon and 3 p.m. in Hastings Gym.