Vision 2020 to decide best ‘pay it forward’ act

Published 6:06 pm Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Austin is getting a little reminder to be kind to others.

The Vision 2020 community pride and spirit committee is wrapping up a contest for its “Spread the Spirit” cards, part of a campaign the committee will roll out beginning next year to boost town pride and a positive atmosphere.

The cards would help residents who did charitable acts, like shoveling a driveway, to leave behind a reminder to those they helped asking them to pay that kindness forward.

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“We were looking for a way to spur people on to do acts of kindness, and we thought, ‘What about an intentional act of kindness?’” said Kristen Olson, community pride and spirit committee co-chairwoman.

That’s why the committee created a contest to design Spread the Smile cards. Ellis Middle School, Austin High School and Riverland Community College students along with Austin residents were encouraged to design a 3 1/2 by 2 inch card using the Vision 2020 logo along with phrases like “Spread the Spirit,” “You’ve just been tagged!” and a request to do an act of kindness for others.

The contest ended Wednesday, but finalists selected by the committee will be on display at Gymocha from Friday, Dec. 14 to Friday, Dec. 21. Committee members will meet on Dec. 21 to look at the finalist entries, hear community opinion from the Gymocha staff, and decide on a design for the card. The winner will receive $100 in Chamber Bucks from the Austin Area Chamber of Commerce.