A book for Austin
Published 8:35 am Thursday, December 6, 2012

The Austin Page Turners, led by chairwoman Bonnie Rietz, center, announced Peter Geye's "Safe from the Sea" as the 2013 Page Turners book. Geye will visit Austin and give a presentation on April 18 as part of the annual citywide reading event. -- Trey Mewes/trey.mewes@austindailyherald.com
The 12th annual Austin Page Turners book has been announced.
The city-wide reading event will focus on Minneapolis-based author Peter Geye’s “Safe from the Sea.” Geye is scheduled to visit Austin and give a public talk on April 18, 2013.
“We’re very excited about the fact he’s going to be joining us in April,” said Bonnie Rietz, co-chairwoman of the Austin Page Turners Planning Committee.
Geye is a Minneapolis native who earned his bachelor’s degree from the University of Minnesota, his master’s degree from the University of New Orleans, and his PhD. from Western Michigan University. “Safe from the Sea” is his first book, published last year, and revolves around a son’s struggle to reconnect with his dying father, as well as the way families interact as years pass.
Geye’s debut novel was roundly nominated by all Page Turners members, according to volunteer Heidi Stegenga.
“We try to find a book that is great for the city to read, as well as [Austin High School],” Stegenga said. “I think we did well this year.”
This year will be a little different than previous Page Turner events, however. The Page Turners want to connect with as many local book clubs as possible to organize a large book discussion before Geye visits Austin.
“A lot of times, the people who are really interested in [Page Turners] books are the people who are into clubs,” Rietz said.
Local book clubs can contact Gayle Heimer at the Austin Public Library to register with the Page Turners and participate in a large discussion event before Geye’s visit.
The Austin Public Library will receive 40 copies of “Safe from the Sea,” as well as 20 copies of “The Lighthouse Road,” Geye’s latest novel. “Safe from the Sea” will also be sold at Philomathian Religious Books.