Vote no on the Photo ID Amendment

Published 6:42 pm Saturday, September 8, 2012

An unnecessary and extreme overhaul of an elections system that isn’t broken, is considered the best at elections administration, and consistently has the highest voter turnout in the nation.

Another unfunded mandate that will raise property taxes because it will increase costs to local governments who will be charged with creating and administering a new elections system.

The Secretary of State’s office estimates that it would cost the state and local governments $30 million to $50 million to implement.

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Cost increases which would be incurred every two-year election cycle include:

•Obtaining IDs: Millions to pay for state-issued photographic identification for eligible Minnesota voters (those who don’t have a photo ID, those who change their addresses)

•Checking IDs: Millions for individual counties and local municipalities to pay for elections equipment and judges to implement the verification process.

• Provisional Balloting: An administrative system to create and maintain a new secondary system of provisional balloting would need to be funded to meet the requirements of the amendment.

It ends Election Day registration as we know it, affecting the half-a-million Minnesota voters who use the process and will not have their votes counted immediately on Election Day.

Minnesotans that will be most affected by this:

• Citizens who have recently moved to a new address

•Recently-married individuals who have changed their names

•Disabled citizens

•People in nursing homes


•Victims of domestic abuse residing in shelters


It places unfair hurdles in front of citizens’ ability to absentee vote including active duty soldiers and seniors. Allows no provisions for citizens who would be most affected by the change in absentee balloting.

Minnesotans that will be most affected by this:

•Active duty military


•Senior citizens

•Disabled citizens

•People in nursing homes


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•Sept. 16: Dad’s Belgian Waffle Breakfast, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Mower County Senior Center, Call The Arc for tickets at 507-433-8994 or stop in.

•Sept. 18: How you and your kids with disabilities can be empowered to handle bullying workshop, 6:30 p.m. at the Austin Public Library

•Oct. 6: USEM’s Customer Appreciation to Benefit The Arc of Mower County

•Oct. 15: The Down Syndrome Connection Pumpkin Party, from 6 to 8 p.m.

Jamey Helgeson is the Program Director at The Arc Mower County and can be reached at or by calling 507-433-8994, Extension 102. You can also visit our website ( and follow us on Facebook ( or Like me on Facebook (