Artworks Festival just around corner

Published 5:28 pm Saturday, August 18, 2012

Twas the weekend before the ArtWorks Festival, when all through the town

The volunteer committee was busy, running around.

Artwork will be hung in the Power Plant with care,

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In hopes that Austin residents soon will be there.


Activities are planned for the children to love,

They will even get to paint a Volkswagen Bug.

And flowerpots mosaiced, and murals created,

While glassblowing and repousse will be



Out in the lot the musicians will play,

Different ones will present depending on the day.

From rock to country and several in-between,

There is sure to be something you have never seen.


Inside the Power Plant will be a sight to behold,

Where the true purpose of the festival will unfold.

Authors will read, visual artists will show,

That the Historic Downtown Power Plant can offer more than you know.


The building has been transformed

Into a space no one ever has seen before.

With foliage, a fountain, and suspended

decorative balls,

It is a wonder power came from within these

building walls!


People will come from miles around

To see what is up in our little town.

So don’t miss out on this unique event,

It is free so little of your money will be spent.


August 25 and 26 are the dates is the site.

And remember the most important part folks,

We’re Celebrating the Arts because Art works!