HRA to flesh out new director’s job description

Published 8:04 am Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The Austin Housing & Redevelopment Authority will take the next step toward finding a new executive director Thursday.

At a regularly-scheduled meeting, the HRA Board of Commissioners will review an updated outline of the responsibilities and expectations for the part-time hire to follow current Executive Director Jim Hurm.

In May, the board outlined a road map for the interview and selection process. The board will determine the selection committee for finding candidates and work out an appropriate salary and benefit package in July. Newspaper ads for the position are likely to run in late July or early August.

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August and September will be filled with interviews, deciding on a candidate and introducing the new director to media, staff and the City Council. If the board sticks to the timeline, the HRA would have the new executive director’s orientation in early October.

The board will also have to decide which HRA staff to include in the interview process.

“We want some expertise in the matter,” Commissioner Roger Boughton said during the May meeting. “They could help us with interview questions and all that.”

During the meeting, the board will also review its policy on selling a house under the Housing Improvement Program and award a bid to install security camera systems at its Twin Towers and Pickett Place apartment complexes.