Businesses came through for Pacelli

Published 11:01 am Thursday, May 17, 2012

Letter to the Editor

Recently, the Pacelli Catholic Schools’ benefit auction was fast approaching and they were looking for volunteers. “Sure I can help with something,” was my immediate response. However, when the committee then asked me to solicit Austin businesses for items and services for the auction, I became hesitant; Calling and asking people for things was going to be awkward for me and well out of my comfort level.

Was I in for a surprise! Not only did almost every Austin business give something, but they were kind and pleasant in their giving, as well. Chad from Rydjor Bike agreed to give before I even finished talking. A worker at Walgreens said “my boss isn’t here now, but we will give, even if it comes from my own pocket.” I accidentally called Jessica from Main Street twice and she was super sweet and nice about it.

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Thank you, Austin businesses, for not only contributing to the auction, but for giving me a renewed faith in my community.

Some say it takes a village to raise a child. I say it takes a parish, and a community like Austin.

Diane Christopherson,

Pacelli Catholic Schools auction volunteer