A relaxing peddle and Bob Dylan
Published 4:22 pm Saturday, May 26, 2012
“To find out what one is fitted to do and to secure an opportunity to do it is the key to happiness.” — John Dewey
I’m not sure John Dewey would have been taken by cell-phones that are the quick calls for happiness as you drive. So far I have declined the use of a cell-phone.
Tuesday I peddled down to our site for Tai Chi; something I missed last week, but this time it wasn’t there. Nobody was there.
Then i was back on the bike with the bike’s brand new fenders acquired recently from Rydjor Bike. This was followed by some downtown peddling before crossing over to Mill pond for a quiet ride and stopping at a shady bench before peddling up the hill and home.
Mello and Fred came in and gathered on the couch to look to bark at passers by so students walking home from school will be acknowledged.
Last Monday I got to spend three hours at the Rochester VA Center with three other veterans and discovered one was also from Austin. It was a diabetic informational meeting with some women from the VA Clinic in Minneapolis via video. Three hours later I was on my way back to Austin in Rob’s car. That’s because Skyler is driving our car to Seattle and Rob is riding along with two others. Rob’s car gets better mileage.
For reading pleasure I’ve been reading “Bob Dylan in America,” one of the books from the library that Mello chewed the corner off of. I was able then to purchase the book. It has been a thorough joy to read until “All The Friends I Ever Had Are Gone.” Dylan is aging and I’m beginning to know what that feels like.
Bob Dylan was born in Duluth and growing up in Hibbing. He said of his home: “Well in the winter, everything was still, nothing moved. Eight months of that. You can put it together. You can have some amazing hallucinogenic experiences doing nothing but looking out your window.”