Bob Dylan is not for everyone

Published 1:21 pm Saturday, March 31, 2012

Bob Dylan.

He’s one of those musicians you’re going to know one way or another. This rock/folk balladeer made a name for himself as a musical voice of the 60s and continued to draw listeners of all generations to his music even today.

His album “Blonde on Blonde,” is a prime example of the influential sound of Dylan, referenced by so many musicians today. It rolls along with a carefree, almost “whatever” attitude as if Dylan is saying, “Listen, don’t listen, I’m just here to play, man.”

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What Dylan would term as up-tempo on this album, other bands might consider whimsical or even a ballad.

“Blonde on Blonde,” is his seventh album, released in 1966 and is widely considered the best example of who Bob Dylan was and what his sound was during those years.

It was also the last album Dylan recorded with his signature folk sound during his electric period, before he changed his sound to more of a country blend.

 Dig it

“Blonde on Blonde,” can serve as a soundtrack to most anything you’re doing. The carefree way in which Dylan weaves his style makes it easy to put the album on, turn the volume down and go about your work.

The music is never overbearing and never occupies your thoughts to the point you forget what you’re doing.

I don’t think one was ever meant to go to 11 when listening to Dylan.

Didn’t dig it

It’s probably best, at this point, to admit I never listen to Bob Dylan. Ever.

I could never get past the sing-songy, nasally way in which he sings and it’s true for this album. Each song runs together and rarely stands out on its own.

Maybe I’m not reaching deep enough, or I’m missing some lyrical height meant to open my mind, but the rhythmic up and down of his voice as if he’s straining from one note to the next always distracts me unless I’m doing something else.

“Most Likely You Go Your Way (And I’ll Go Mine)” was a pleasant, upbeat change from the rest.

A song meant to remind the listener they won’t always walk the same paths as others, its tempo clips along with a feel of a shrug of the shoulders and a acceptance of the situation.


Chances are that if you are an AC/DC, Marilyn Manson or, God-forbid, a Nickelback fan you are not going to like Dylan.

You will be a different kind of music fan if you count Dylan as a favorite listen and I don’t begrudge you of this. You’re probably a deeper music lover than I.

As for me, it’s just too hard to get past the lack of any real sound change and of course that iconic voice that itself has been lampooned by most everybody. Yeah, just look me in the face and tell me you haven’t.

Dylan will continue to have his fans and he will get more fans in the newer generations, but that base of listeners will not include me.