Counting down: 12 for 2012
Published 8:54 am Sunday, January 1, 2012

First-grade teacher Jessica Kraushaar helps settle student Blake Cummings into his desk on the first day of school this school year. He was also getting help from his sister Kyla Cummings.
9. Sumner adjusts to year-round school
The Austin Public School Distirict will further monitor Sumner Elementary School’s 45/15 schedule in 2012, also known as a year-round calendar.
Sumner officials voluntarily made the switch last summer to having a shorter summer break with longer sporadic breaks throughout the year. The move is intended to bolster student learning and retention, as well as improve Sumner’s Adequate Yearly Progress scores on the Minnesota Comprehensive Assessment.
The latest round of MCA tests will prove interesting for Austin, which had to create a district-wide improvement plan this year because the district failed to make AYP for the past three years. Sumner especially must make AYP this year or face further sanctions from the Minnesota Department of Education. Sumner failed to make AYP in reading for the past four years.