Comdey show coming to Albert Lea

Published 4:00 pm Saturday, November 19, 2011

If you’re looking for something fun to do in Albert Lea after Thanksgiving and early morning shopping on Friday you’re in luck — a comedy show is coming to town.

Three comics will take the stage at America’s Best Value Inn’s event center Friday at 8 p.m., and doors open at 7 p.m. The show’s producer, Jeff Polis, of Albert Lea, said he planned the show for something fun to do for people who enjoy clean adult humor.

“Everybody needs a few laughs,” Polis said. “It’s therapeutic.”

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The original headliner is no longer available, but Polis said Tim Harmston, of Minneapolis, will be the new headliner. Polis said Harmston is very funny and recently performed on the Late Show with David Letterman. The feature act is Susie Saccoman, a teacher from the Twin Cities, who Polis said has a lot of good teacher-related jokes.

“She’s a very funny person,” Polis said.

Del Point, of Waterville, will be the master of ceremonies, and Polis’ son Joe Polis will perform a short guest spot.

“The nice thing is that you don’t have to drive out of town to see a good comedy show,” Polis said. “The headliners are touring comics who go around the United States and do this full time.”

Polis has also coordinated similar events in the past at other places around town like the Moose Lodge or American Legion. He said he usually tries to pick a venue where people can come to get food before the show.