Notice for potential Lyle board meeting not posted online

Published 4:01 pm Saturday, October 8, 2011

There’s supposed to be a school board meeting in Lyle Monday, but district officials have not posted a meeting agenda online as of Saturday morning.

Board members are expected to discuss, among other things, a shared business manager between Lyle, Grand Meadow and Glenville/Emmons Public Schools. Grand Meadow and G/E Superintendent Jerry Reshetar told the board in September of his plans to find a business manager for all three districts by next fall in order to create efficiency and cut down work for all three districts.

Lyle Board Chairman Dean Rohne said Friday afternoon that he didn’t expect much else to be discussed, aside from MCA test scores and monthly business. Rohne said he expected the board agenda to be publicly posted soon. Calls to Rohne were not immediately returned Saturday.

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