Artists wanted for traveling art exhibit starting in Jan.
Published 4:01 pm Saturday, October 15, 2011
Calling all artists: the Southeastern Libraries Cooperating and Southeastern Minnesota Visual Artists have an opportunity for you.
SELCO and SEMVA announced open submissions for the 2012-2013 Experience Art in Southeastern Libraries traveling art exhibit that will run from next January to June 2013.
“It’s an excellent way to participate in the arts on a regional level,” said Ann Hokanson. “It’s quite prestigious to even be in it.”
EASEL is made up of artistic interpretations of books, letters, reading, authors, or libraries. Artists from Mower County have been in EASEL before, but no one from Austin was in last year’s EASEL tour, Hokanson said.
Artists must be 18 years of age and live in one of the 11 counties in the SELCO region:
Dodge, Fillmore, Freeborn, Goodhue, Houston, Mower, Olmsted, Rice, Steele, Wabasha, and Winona. There is no fee to enter and artists are limited to one piece of artwork.
“They try to get representation from all over the region,” Hokanson said.
All 2D artwork must be 12 x 12 inches, frame included, and must be ready to hang using wire only; no hooks, saw-tooth brackets or clips. All 3D artwork may only be a maximum of 12 x 12 x 12 inches, and one of those dimensions must be 12 inches. Art must be suitable for viewing by all ages in a library environment.
The General Information Card, provided in the printed call for artists, must be completed and attached to your artwork at the time of submission, along with a typed Artist Statement not to exceed 200 words. This statement must include one to two sentences describing the artist’s interpretation of the theme.
Artwork needs to be submitted to the SELCO office at 2600 19th Street NW, Rochester, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Dec. 5-9. Artists who are unable to submit during this time can schedule an appointment for Saturday, Dec. 10. Judging will take place Dec. 12. Artists will be notified within one week of the Jury’s decision.
SELCO will handle all aspects of the exhibit including storing and shipping to and from the libraries. SELCO will also insure all artwork while exhibited, in storage, and during transit.