Nuns to play Spring Valley
Published 8:11 am Friday, August 12, 2011
By Sharanne Calabrese
For the Herald
As the story goes, the good Saint Wilfred founded the Order of the Little Sisters of Hoboken in the seventh century. Centuries later, a small group of pioneering nuns set out to establish a Mother House in Cleveland, Ohio, but got off the plane in Newark instead. After the lost nuns were found by the Newark Airport Police, the sisters, extremely grateful for their reception on the Jersey shores, decided to express their gratitude by establishing their Mother House in Hoboken, N.J.

Back row, from left: Novella Meisner as Sr. Amnesia; Pam Crawford as Sr. Hubert. Front row: Sarah Kohn as Sr. Robert Anne; Laurie Helmers as Mother Regina; Chelsea Lange as Sr. Leo. -- Photo provided
The current “conventional” nuns, found themselves in dire financial straits due to an unfortunate set of circumstances. Their solution to solve this dilemma is nothing if unconventional and utilizes the God-given talents of the sisterhood. Get to a nunnery and enjoy the hilarious antics of the five zany Little Sisters of Hoboken as they move heaven and Earth to bury their frozen dead.
When director Laurie Helmers offered to reprise her interpretation of Dan Goggin’s “Nunsense,” Brave Community Theatre of Spring Valley recognized the opportunity.
The musical comedy “Nunsense” will be performed at the Spring Valley Community Center (200 S Broadway) as part of the town’s Ag Days celebration. Evening performances are scheduled for 7 p.m. Aug. 17, 18 and 19. A matinee performance will he held at 3 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 20.
Tickets may be purchased at the door or in advance at Sunshine Foods in Spring Valley. Tickets are $11 for adults and $6 for children younger than 12. Tickets are $1 off in advance or with an Ag Days button at the door.
Contact actress/director Laurie Helmers at 507-533-8265 for more information.