Wastewater plant nears capacity

Published 10:06 am Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Austin is going to need a really big plunger.

According to City Engineer Jon Erichson, the Wastewater Treatment Plant is approaching permit limits and may need to expand sooner than expected.

City Council members voted Monday night to conduct a $40,000 feasibility report that will determine the cost efficiency of an expansion.

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The city’s original plan was to add two one-million gallon biosolid storage tanks in 2015 and two nitrification cells in 2014. The feasibility report will explore three different options: building expansions, thickening sludge to decrease the number of gallons stored, and treating the sludge with chemicals.

The report will outline the long-term cost effectiveness of each option. Once the report is complete and city staff have reviewed it, Erichson will propose a plan of action to City Council.

Look to the Austin Daily Herald for more as this story develops.