Convictions: July 3-9
Published 1:03 pm Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Dillon Michael Ferch (D.O.B. Oct. 7, 1986) of Austin. Count 1: DWI — operate motor vehicle with an alcohol concentration of .08. Fined $585. Sentenced to 365 days in jail, 335 of which is stayed for two years supervised probation. Must complete 10 days sentence to service. Count 2: DWI — operate motor vehicle under influence of alcohol (dismissed). Offense date: Feb. 17, 2011.
Kefa Kebaso (D.O.B. Sept. 16, 1962) of Austin. Count 1: Driving after cancellation — inimical to public safety. Fined $85. Sentenced to 180 days in jail stayed for one year unsupervised probation. Count 2: Uninsured vehicle (dismissed). Count 3: Unregistered/certificate revoked (dismissed). Offense date: May 24, 2011.
Kyle David Miller (D.O.B. Nov. 2, 1986) of Austin. Count 1: Domestic assault. Fined $85. Sentenced to 27 months in prison stayed for five years supervised probation. Count 2: Domestic assault by strangulation (dismissed). Offense date: Jan. 8, 2011.
Michael Duane Olson (D.O.B. August 19, 1965) of Austin. Count 1: Possessing child pornography. Fined $85. Sentenced to five years supervised probation. Must complete a psychological-sexual evaluation. Count 2: Possessing child pornography (dismissed). Count 3: Possessing child pornography (dismissed). Count 4: Possessing child pornography (dismissed). Offense date: Oct. 21, 2009.
Jeffrey Leonard Ehmke (D.O.B. Sept. 24, 1957) of Waltham. Count 1: Fourth-degree burglary. Fined $285. Sentenced to 365 days in jail, 266 of which are stayed for two years supervised probation. Count 2: Driving after cancellation — inimical to public safety (dismissed). Count 3: Third-degree damage to property (dismissed). Count 4: Fifth-degree assault. Sentenced to 90 days in jail. Offense date: Feb. 25, 2011.
Tiffany Ariel Hatfield (D.O.B. Nov. 18, 1985) of Austin. Count 1: Theft (dismissed). Count 2: Fifth-degree drug possession. Fined $585. Sentenced to 30 days in jail followed by five years supervised probation. Must complete 20 hours community work service. Offense date: March 19, 2010.
Dawn Marie Mueller (D.O.B. March 16, 1964) of Austin. Count 1: Embezzlement of public funds (dismissed). Count 2: Theft by check (dismissed). Count 3: Theft (dismissed). Count 4: Theft (dismissed). Count 5: Misconduct by a public employee — fail to perform duty (dismissed). Count 6: Misconduct by a public employee — exceed authority (dismissed). Count 7: Neglect of duty (dismissed). Count 8: Neglect of duty. Fined $10,451, including restitution. Sentenced to 21 days in jail followed by two years supervised probation. Offense date: Aug. 31, 2007.