A new effort for a green home

Published 5:00 pm Saturday, April 30, 2011

On May 14 and 15, thousands of seemingly average citizens from around the country will work together to create new gardens and green their homes.

From coast to coast, in urban and rural communities, abandoned lots will be converted into green oases and school children will pull weeds and plant tomato starts. Whole communities are signing up to pick up shovels and tools to help install rainwater harvesting systems, swap light bulbs, improve insulation, install solar panels, and bring homegrown produce to their friends and neighbors.

In Austin will set in motion Sunday a challenge that everyone can be proud of and participate in some way. You are eligible to enter this challenge if you are a homeowner or live in a house or apartment, or if your workplace is outside of your home, or if you eat food. Can you see how you fit that list? The Austin Coalition for Environmental Sustainability (ACES, Inc) is seeking more local businesses and households to join the challenge. Watch for more information to come. Contact one of their members or send your contact information to GardenNetwork2011@gmail.com or call Karen at 507-437-1144.

Email newsletter signup

Between now and the National Challenge Weekend on May 14, thousands of landscapes and homes will be transformed, retrofitted and revitalized as part of the 350 Home & Garden Challenge. We will grow food, conserve water, save energy and build community. On top of that they will save some money. It is time for action, rooted in a shared vision.

May 15 is typically the end of frost in this part of the country. So we are planning now to get growing. Gardeners learn to apply the strategies of local food growing, permaculture, and food security through this project. Home owners and dwellers learn tips to care for our precious water resources by reducing the amount of water and contaminants that go into our rivers and streams. All of us can use energy more efficiently and use our common sense to make it go farther.

Energy conservation in the form of doing things more efficiently doesn’t cost you any money — it saves you money — applied to your house can save up to a third of your cost per year. It can be as simple as combining the errands into one trip instead multiple trips throughout the week. Or it can mean leaving the house early enough to pick up someone else, or bike or walk part of the time. Of course, we all know about energy efficient lights and appliances and cars that get better mileage. Each of us can add a few more strategies each year. What can you do?

Your always Welcome at the Senior Center. See you soon.

Upcoming Events

Monday: Blood pressure check, 9 to 11 a.m.; cards, 12:30 p.m.

Tuesday: Get up and Get started Exercise with Evie Anderson, 9 a.m.; cards and Duplicate Bridge, 12:30 p.m.

Wednesday: Wood Carving Club, 8:30 a.m.; Tai Chi Classes, 9:30 a.m.; Pinochle, Cribbage Tournament and Duplicate Bridge, 12:30 p.m.; Stitching Bee’s, 1 p.m.; open chess, 1 p.m.

Thursday: Get up and Get started Exercise with Evie 9 a.m.; cards, 12:30 p.m.; Bingo, 1 p.m.; open chess, 1 p.m.; Conservatorship/Guardianship, 6 p.m.

Friday: Tai Chi, 9:30 a.m.; cards, 12:30 p.m.

Weekly Card Results

Monday Bridge

Tournament result for April 18, four tables.

1st Bud Higgins, 2nd Mary Johnsen, 3rd Jaynard Johnson, 4th Lois Johnson, 5th Dave Ring, 6th Betty Jorgenson.

Tuesday Bridge

Tournament result for April 19, five tables.

1st Bud Higgins, 1st Jim Fisher; 2nd Joyce Crowe, 2nd Marge Blazer; 3rd Joan Bachynsky, 3rd Dick Titus; 4th Russ Vaale, 4th Mabel Vaale; 5th Dick Hansen, 5th Larry Crowe.

Tues Afternoon “500”

Tournament results for Apil 19, three tables.

1st Dorothy Stern, 2nd Jerry Downing, 3rd Wayne Chilson, 4th Wilbur Mittag.

Weekly Cribbage

Tournament result for April 20, three tables.

1st John Allen, 2nd Barb Dickmen, 3rd Lorraine Low, 4th Rex Machacek.


Ron Peters, Quinten Fiala

Semcac Daily Meals

Monday: Liver and onions

Tuesday: Pork roast

Wednesday: Roast beef

Thursday: Tater tot casserole

Friday: Chicken stir fry