Students take a break, learn about gov’t
Published 8:14 am Wednesday, March 23, 2011

LeRoy-Ostrander freshman sit in on a Mower County Commission meeting Tuesday morning as part of a class on local government. -- Eric Johnson/
Some of them pay taxes. Some of them knew what the county commissioners actually do. All of them were glad to be out of school.
Mower County high school students converged in Austin Tuesday as part of County Government Day, where students from Austin, Pacelli, LeRoy/Ostrander and Southland toured various county offices and learned a little about county government in the process.
“In county government, we can impact your life almost from the day you’re born until the day you die,” Oscarson said. “It’s important to know what we do and what we can do for you.”
Area American Legion posts have sponsored the annual event for more than a decade. Students toured the old jail where Sheriff Terese Amazi gave an overview of what deputies and jailers do. They also toured the Historical Center and the Highway Department and Recycling Center, learning how expensive simple things like street signs really are.
“We’re always glad to see something like this with our youth,” said Rollie Hanson, Austin Post 91 Commander. “They’ve got to come up and found out that they’re out here in the real world.”