Human cloning ban bill rekindles debate at UMN

Published 2:42 pm Wednesday, March 30, 2011

MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — A proposed ban on human cloning in Minnesota has renewed debate over stem cell research at the University of Minnesota.

Supporters of the legislation making human cloning a felony offense say stem cell research could still be done at UMN, but not the research that relies on the destruction of embryos, including adult stem cells.

Some university officials say the bill could halt cutting-edge research, but they add that UMN has not, and will not, attempt to clone a human being.

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BioBusiness Alliance of Minnesota CEO Dale Wahlstrom tells the Star Tribune that the bill could drive biobusiness out of Minnesota and discourage companies from locating in the state.

Legislators could consider the bill this week as part of the health and human services omnibus bill.