Winona downs Packer girls

Published 10:51 pm Friday, February 4, 2011

Austin's Danielle Tschann battles to control a rebound against Winona in the first half Friday night in Packer Gym. - Eric Johnson/

After a big win and a week off, the Austin girls basketball team struggled in a 63-51 loss to Winona (7-7 overall, 6-5 Big Nine) in Packer Gym Friday.

Austin's Meredith Molhusen cuts between Winona's Audrey Scharmer (43) and Makala Hansen (12) during the first half Friday night in Packer Gym. - Eric Johnson/

Austin (8-10 overall, 7-6 Big Nine), which beat Century by double digits last week hadn’t played in a week, but it scored the first four points of the game before hitting its lull.

The Packers didn’t score for the last 7:40 of the first half and they trailed 33-17 at the break.Austin got as close as seven in the second frame, but couldn’t get any closer.

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“We’d foul and they’d take the momentum back,” Austin head coach Gary Peterson said. “We didn’t shoot very well at all.”

Winona sophomore center Ellen Blacklock put in 23 points and 12 rebounds as she hit 11 of her 16 free throws.

“We couldn’t stop her,” Peterson said. “We always seem to run into problems against teams that are a little bigger than us.”

Austin scoring: Babaye Oja, 17; Jenna Svoboda, 15; Nina Carney, 7; Steph Justice, 6; Mary Kate Barinka, 3; Meredith Molhusen, 2; Taylor Lady, 1; field goals: 22 percent (15-for-69);

Austin's Jenna Svoboda takes the ball up against Winona's Ellen Blacklock, left, and Makala Hansen in the first half Friday night in Packer Gym. - Eric Johnson/

three-pointers: 23 percent (4-for-17); free throws: 56 percent (17-for-30); rebounds: 38 (Oja, 10); turnovers: 20