CRWD in search of new board member

Published 7:59 am Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Applications should soon be rolling in for a Cedar River Watershed District board position, which becomes vacant in April.

County Coordinator Craig Oscarson said several people have inquired about the position and have picked up applications. However, the forms aren’t traditional applications, and the applicants must write about their motives for being on the board. Dan Regner, who currently holds the position, won’t apply for another three-year term in April and hopes somebody with more time to focus on the issues will step into his role.

Also, the county ideally wants someone with an objective view of the watershed issues, not someone with special interests.

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“We kind of want to know why they want to be on this watershed board,” Oscarson said.

Furthermore, somebody with knowledge of the watershed’s history and future hurdles would be a benefit. Other requirements say the applicant must live in Mower County and within the watershed.

Although nobody has sat down for an official interview, Oscarson expects interest in the position to pick up in the next few weeks since word has been going around. The county and the Cedar River Watershed District would like to have someone in place before the CRWD’s meeting in March.

However, if nobody is in place after Regner leaves his position, the CRWD will still have enough board members to make a quorum. And Oscarson would rather take the time to find the right person.

“The board is better off having a good person instead of hastily putting someone in there that’s not well rounded,” he said.

The new board member will receive $75 per monthly meeting and mileage reimbursement, according to Mower Soil and Water Conservation District.

Applicants can apply for the position through the Mower County Coordinator’s office. The deadline is March 1.