Austin grad performs in Bethany production
Published 7:00 pm Saturday, January 15, 2011
Leah Lumley, daughter of Mark and Ruth Lumley of Austin, will be participating in the production, “Oh, Kay” at Bethany Lutheran College. Lumley is a 2009 graduate of Austin High School.
Youth Tour
competition open for submissions
The Freeborn-Mower County Cooperative Services Fourth Annual Youth Tour Competition has begun.
Eligible high school juniors living in the FMCS territoy may write a 500 word essay asking, “If you were a policy maker in Washington, D.C., what one thing would you want in an energy policy and why?”
Local winners will join other students from around the nation in Washinton, D.C. June 11-16. The deadline to submit an application form and essay is March 9 and a banquet is set in March where participants and family members may meet with contest judges and two winners will be announced.
For application packets and details, contact Mary Nelson at FMCS at 507-373-6421 or Applications can be found at