Not guilty plea entered in choking case

Published 8:20 am Friday, December 17, 2010

A 26-year-old Austin man accused of choking a woman so hard it caused her to urinate pleaded not guilty Thursday in Mower County Court.

Anthony Barrett Graham and the woman were apparently drinking downtown and had an altercation outside of the B&J Bar. The woman told police she had not wanted to leave the bar, so Graham grabbed her and said she was going with him.

After a struggle, the woman broke free when Graham pulled off her coat. Graham then allegedly grabbed the woman by the neck and choked her hard enough it caused her to urinate, according to court documents.

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Graham allegedly continued to strangle the woman until a witness yelled from an upstairs apartment, “Leave her alone or I’ll call the cops.” At that point, Graham apparently released the woman and headed towards Steve’s Pizza, where he was detained by Sgt. Jeff Ellis.

The woman told police she tried to call her daughter throughout the altercation, but Graham kept knocking her phone out of her hand. Her daughter finally heard her on the fourth attempt and called police.

Graham also called the woman several derogatory names during the incident, according to the woman.

The woman told police that his grip on her neck was at a strength of seven on a scale of 1 to 10.

Graham is scheduled for pre-trial on April 1 and jury trial on April 11.