Lancers top Viking girls

Published 9:58 pm Thursday, December 23, 2010

Hayfield's Alyssa Selk goes up for a layup against Le Crescent's Jena Kadlec Thursday night in Hayfield. - Eric Johnson/

HAYFIELD — The Hayfield girls basketball team ran its offense about as efficient as it wanted to against La Crescent, but the Vikings couldn’t quite finish in a 60-46 loss to La Crescent Thursday.

Hayfield had plenty of open looks and inside shots, but more often than not, they couldn’t convert.

“We kind of scripted it that way and it worked out as well as it could for us, we just didn’t knock down shots when we needed to,” Hayfield head coach Fred Kindschy said. “We’ve been doing that a lot, we’re just not finishing plays and we’re not finishing shots. We left a lot of points out there that we should’ve knocked down.”

Hayfield's Kelsey Severson reaches for a rebound in the first half Thursday night against Le Crescent in Hayfield. - Eric Johnson/

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The Vikings (5-2 overall) never trailed by more than five in the first 25 minutes of the game and they were within 53-46 with 3:35 left in the game as Abby Blanchard converted a lay-up. Hayfield wouldn’t score the score the rest of the way.

“We were trying to scramble and get back into it and we didn’t have lot of luck doing it,” Kindschy said. “We kind of let it get away from us.”

Hayfield scored four straight to go up 35-31 with 12:30 left in the game after Alyssa Selk, who scored 18 points, and Kelsey Severson scored on back-to-back lay-ups.

The Lancers (5-4 overall) scored the next eight points and Hayfield never tied or took the lead again.

La Crescent’s run was triggered when Jena Kadlec got free for a breakaway lay-up and was fouled. She missed the free throw but Katie Waller grabbed the rebound and scored to tie the game at 35 with 12:08 left.

Freshman Dani Wagner was out of the lineup for Hayfield with an illness.

“We miss (Dani), she’s a very athletic kid and she shoots well. We could’ve used her tonight,” Kindschy said.

Wagner will likely return next week and the Vikings will also be getting sophomore center Abby Pollock back in the lineup as early as Jan. 1 from a knee injury.

La Crescent 25 35 — 60

Hayfield 20 26 — 46

Hayfield scoring: Alyssa Selk, 18; Molly Streightiff, 10; Abby Blanchard, 7; McCayla Thoe, 4; Liz Ristau, 2; Johanna Bungum, 2; free throws: 35 percent (7-for-20)

La Crescent scoring: Jenna McDonough, 20; Jen Michaelke, 11; Katie Waller, 8; Jena Kadlec, 7; Brooke Kubicek, 6; Hannah Peterson, 5; Morgan Armstrong, 2; free throws: 48 percent (10-for-21)