Weather helps Wyo. plane search; still no clues

Published 7:59 am Tuesday, November 2, 2010

LANDER, Wyo. — Searchers in the air and on the ground still haven’t found any trace of a single-engine plane that disappeared in northwest Wyoming with a Minnesota man and his three sons aboard.

The Fremont County Sheriff’s Department says Monday’s search was helped by clear skies and warm temperatures.

The plane took off from the Jackson airport in a snowstorm on Oct. 25. It disappeared from radar about an hour later over the rugged Wind River mountains.

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Forty-year-old Luke Bucklin was the pilot. His 14-year-old twins Nate and Nick and 12-year-old Noah were also aboard.

Searchers have detected a signal they believe is coming from the missing plane’s locater beacon, but they’ve been unable to find where it’s coming from.