Back Ellis for sheriff

Published 11:04 am Thursday, October 21, 2010

As a ranking member of the local law enforcement community, it is with great pleasure that I endorse Sergeant Jeff Ellis for sheriff of Mower County. Jeff is a proven leader that will bring some much needed change to the sheriff’s office. Now more than ever we need a leader that is sensible, honest and fair.

Over the years that I have worked with Jeff, he has always impressed me with his drive to succeed and his desire to be the best at whatever task he is given. A great example of Jeff’s hard work is his success with his canine partner, Tazer. Jeff took a small canine program and won national awards and recognition. Jeff will undoubtedly bring that same level of dedication and drive to the office of sheriff.

Jeff has many attributes that make-up a good leader, but most importantly he is fair. No matter what the situation is, Jeff will stand up for what is right and what is best for everyone. Jeff is always open-minded and willing to listen to everyone, not just the people who support him.

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Jeff has earned the respect of his peers and colleagues through his actions and that is why so many members of the local law enforcement community support him. Jeff has the ability to take the Sheriff’s Department in a positive direction. Jeff leads by example and understands who matters most — you.

Please join me in voting Jeff Ellis for sheriff on Nov. 2.

Sgt. Dustin Wollenburg
