Pacelli celebrates its Homecoming

Published 5:00 pm Saturday, September 25, 2010

The 2010 Pacelli High School Homecoming royalty candidates this year include from top to bottom: Lindsey Chapek (daughter of Linda Seljeseth and John Chapek), Ryan Rust(son) of Larry and Sarah Rust), Audrey Ferris (daughter of Joe and Suzanne Ferris), Joe Lewison (son of Jon and Mary Lewison), Lauren Rieker, (daughter of Derek and Sharon Rieker), Garrett Jenkins (son of Mark and Jennifer Jenkins), Stephanie Kocer (daughter of Steven and Lisa Kocer), Colton Scherer (son of David and Linda Scherer). - Photo submitted

A wide range of festivities are planned for the week of Sept. 26 through Oct. 1 to assist the Pacelli students in celebrating their Homecoming.

On Sunday the 6-12 grade students will decorate their halls for the annual hall decorating contest.

Monday is Hollywood Awards Day with awards given every hour. Tuesday is 1980’s/Neon Day, Wednesday is Floatation Device/Redneck Day, Thursday is Class Color Day (12th grade: Black, 11th grade: Patterns, 10th grade: Blue, 9th grade: White, 8th grade: Purple, 7th grade: Green, 6th grade: Pink) and Friday will be School Spirit day (Green/White/Blue).

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On Wednesday the elementary students will meet the royalty when court members go classroom to classroom in full regalia. The high school students will meet the candidates that afternoon at the 2 p.m. assembly in the Pacelli gym. This assembly will showcase the Homecoming court and includes voting for queen and king.

That evening at 7 p.m. the coronation of the royalty will be held in the Pacelli auditorium. The middle school students will be displaying their summer reading projects in the middle school hallways starting at 6 p.m. Following the coronation a sock hop for grades 6-12 will be held in the school gym until 10:30 p.m.

On Friday morning the Pacelli football players will visit the elementary classrooms. At 11:30 a.m. Pacelli students will enjoy a picnic of hotdogs and hamburgers with football and fun in Todd Park. A pep rally will be held in the Lyle gym at 1 p.m. followed by the homecoming parade at approximately 2 p.m.

The annual tradition of running the game ball from Austin to the Lyle football field will once again happen. The Pacelli cross country team will deliver the football just prior to the Homecoming game kickoff.

The Lyle/Pacelli Athletics will host the Lanesboro Burros in Lyle for the Homecoming football game on Friday, Oct. 1 at 7 p.m.

Following the game there will be a Homecoming dance in the Lyle High School gymnasium for all Lyle and Pacelli 9-12 grade students until midnight.