Personnel committee meeting rescheduled

Published 7:10 am Friday, July 30, 2010

The Austin School Board’s personnel committee has rescheduled its next meeting for Aug. 9. The committee, which among other business is tasked with finding a method to fill the board’s vacant seventh seat, was originally set to meet Aug. 3. Scheduling conflicts forced the meeing to be rescheduled. The committee is made up of board members Jeff Kritzer, Don Fox and Richard Lees.

When it meets, the committee will discuss the next step in filling the empty board seat. The board’s last attempt resulted in a 3-3 stalemate.

One option would be to restart the process by reopening the board’s call for applicants. That would mean the previous candidates, as well as any new candidates that apply, would go through the same selection process as before. Another option the committee could look into is directly appointing someone to the position.

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The school board seat has been vacant since March, when the board voted to removed Curt Rude.

The committee will meet at 3:30 p.m. in the superintendent’s office. The regular school board meeting will be held at 6:30 p.m. later that night.