National Night Out to be held Tuesday
Published 4:00 pm Saturday, July 31, 2010
Austin’s annual National Night Out event will be held Tuesday at Bandshell Park/Pavilion.
The event, now in its 27th year nationally, is enjoying its third annual National Night Out in Austin. It will run from 3 to 8 p.m. and feature free food, entertainment and various demonstrations.
“It just brings awareness to neighborhoods and teaches them to be safe,” said Stephanie Maxfield, a receiving flow supervisor for the Austin Target. “Basically teaching awareness.”
Along with the free food, prizes and music there will be a K9 demonstration by the Austin Police Department, a self defense demonstration and an essay contest for kids where prizes of two savings bonds will be given away that night.
The theme of the essay will be, “What would a safe neighborhood mean to you.”
Gymocha will also be on hand giving out free smoothies from 3 to 7 p.m.
A fire engine, police car and Gold Cross Ambulance will be on hand for kids to tour.
While Target sponsors the event nationally, the Austin Target got a little more help this year. Among the 10 stores that make up the district, the Austin store was one of three stores to receive a $800 grant for this specific event.
“We’re able to have the Austin Police Department down when maybe we couldn’t have them down there and to keep it a free event,” Maxfield said.
Last year 36 million people across the nation participated in National Night Out by attending parties like Tuesday’s event.