Mower County unemployment rates fall below state’s average

Published 7:24 am Wednesday, July 21, 2010

While Mower County saw a small spike in unemployment numbers from May to June, the county still fared well in the face of the state’s 6.1 percent unemployment rate.

According to the Minnesota Department of Education and Economic Development (DEED), Mower County’s unemployment numbers rose from 5.0 percent in May to 5.6 percent in June — that’s compared to the state’s 0.2 percent decrease from May to June.

Of the 21,692 Mower County residents who make up the overall labor force, 20,470 are employed. That leaves 1,222 who fall into the unemployment category. In May, 1,079 were documented as unemployed in the county.

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Throughout the nation, 200,000 census workers were laid off in June. That number likely impacted the Mower County area, which could be responsible, in part, to the increased unemployment rates, according to John Garry, director of the development corporation of Austin.

Because unemployment rates only reflect those residents who are actively looking for work, Garry said increased numbers could also reflect those in the area who, because of the recent national optimism in the economy, are now seeking positions.