Man gets 6 months for whipping boy

Published 3:42 pm Wednesday, July 21, 2010

MINNEAPOLIS — A Minneapolis man has been sentenced to six months in the workhouse after being convicted of beating and burning a boy who hid in an oven to escape.

The Star Tribune reports that Hennepin County Judge Robert Small sentenced 23-year-old William T. Hurley on Wednesday.

Hurley will be allowed out during the day to attend school and receive credit for 41 days already served. He must also continue therapy and anger management classes.

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Earlier this year, Small found Hurley guilty of malicious punishment of a child that he punched, whipped with an extension cord and burned with a hot iron on Nov 6.

The child’s mother, Debra Chatman, was there. She has pleaded guilty to child endangerment. Small will sentence Chatman Aug. 9.

The boy has been put into foster care.