Getting rid of tech trap a good idea
Published 9:34 am Monday, July 19, 2010
The idea of capturing speeders with radar and photographs, and then fining them by mail, must at one time have seemed brilliant to cash-strapped governments. As it turns out, the plan doesn’t actually work very well and, what’s more important, is an unwarranted, technology-driven intrusion into Americans’ privacy. Arizona recognized that and this week allowed its contract for radar-photo speed enforcement to lapse. It was the right decision.
Minnesotans have largely been spared the intrusion of remotely operated cameras into their vehicles. A few municipalities may still use camera systems to ticket drivers who violate stop lights, but the widespread photographing of alleged speeders, such as Arizona conducted, never gained a foothold in our state. It’s just as well. The presumption that a machine can detect, report and effectively prosecute minor crimes is abhorrent. Just because a technology exists does not mean it’s a good idea to put it to use. States or municipalities which employ those techniques are, for the most part, making a cynical grab for cash. But even that did not work in Arizona, where the majority of alleged speeders simply ignored their mail-delivered tickets.
Although some have claimed that robot speed enforcement improves safety, that argument lacks credibility. If states truly wanted safer roads, they would lower speed limits.
Although Arizona is not, of late, known for its wise law-making, the decision to let radar-photograph speed traps fade away was a good one, not only for Arizona residents but because of the example it sets nationwide.