LETTER: New ides should be considered
Published 12:24 pm Saturday, March 6, 2010
As a result of our far-reaching economic downturn, rising unemployment and state funding cuts, local governments are facing unprecedented budget challenges.
Mower County officials are meeting that challenge with some government reform initiatives, including a proposed switch to a four day work week. County officials contacted me, Sen. Dan Sparks and Rep. Robin Brown and asked us to help move this request through the state process.
To accommodate their request, we introduced legislation that would allow Mower County to implement the change.
This proposal should prompt many questions from the residents of Mower County, both related to how services will be provided and what savings can be garnered. Over the coming weeks, I expect Mower County to engage residents in this process, explaining in full the ramifications of a shortened work week, answering questions and asking for employee and public support.
As government relations go, it’s important that county officials and state legislators work together to find responsible and effective solutions to economic challenges.
Times have changed, and we can’t keep doing business as usual. New ideas should be considered about how we can serve residents at a reduced cost.
Jeanne Poppe
State representative