LETTER: Participate in our caucuses
Published 1:10 pm Saturday, January 30, 2010
On behalf of the Mower County Republican Party, I would like to invite all interested residents of the county to our precinct caucuses on Tuesday night, Feb. 2 at 7. This is the beginning step in the process that culminates in our state and national elections on Nov. 2 of this year.
At the caucuses, there will be discussions of candidates and issues. Participants will have the opportunity to vote in a preference ballot among the announced Republican candidates for Governor of the State of Minnesota. We will also be choosing delegates to represent us at later party conventions.
The caucuses are an excellent opportunity to meet friends, family, and neighbors, to become involved in the political process that affects our lives in so many ways. Everyone is invited, whether or not you are registered as a Republican voter. We also welcome those who wish to come and observe, but choose not to participate in the proceedings.
The caucuses for most of the county will be held at the Mower County Senior Citizens Center in Austin. The townships of Pleasant Valley, Racine, Grand Meadow and Frankford will caucus at the City Hall in Racine. Clayton, Bennington, Lodi and LeRoy townships will caucus at the Community Center in LeRoy. Additional information can be obtained from the party Web site (www.mowergop.com), the Mower County Auditor’s Office, or by calling 437-7019.
Dennis Schminke
Mower County GOP Caucus Coordinator
Austin, Minnesota