Candidate forums set

Published 6:30 am Friday, October 23, 2009

On Nov. 3 voters will choose to elect three residents to the Austin School Board from a pool of six. Also on the ballot is a referendum, which would raise property taxes and save the district from extensive cuts. With the election looming, two area groups are holding forums — allowing the public to meet the candidates and discuss their platforms.

League of Women Voters Forum

WHEN: Wednesday, Oct. 28, 7 p.m.

Email newsletter signup

WHERE: Austin City Chambers

WHO WILL BE THERE: All of the candidates:

Richard Lees

Aaron P. Keenan

Mary Kleis

Jeff Kritzer

Jeff Ollman

David A. Simonson

WHAT TO EXPECT: This is open to the public, and voters may register at the forum. Each candidate will be given two minutes for an opening statement, before the audience and League members ask questions. The candidate has one minute to respond to each question and two minutes for a closing statement. Kristine Allas, voter service chairperson, will be the monitor and Julie Tufte, president, is time-keeper. If a candidate is unable to attend, a substitute may not appear. Candidates may not distribute campaign literature on or near the premises of the meeting. Candidates may not endorse another candidate during the course of their comments. A person’s public record, and not their personal character may be examined.

American Association of University Women’s Voter’s Symposium

WHEN: Monday, Oct. 26, 6:30 p.m.

WHERE: The Mower County Senior Center, 400 Third Ave. NE

WHO WILL BE THERE: All of the candidates:

Richard Lees

Aaron P. Keenan

Mary Kleis

Jeff Kritzer

Jeff Ollman

David A. Simonson

WHAT TO EXPECT: This forum is open to the public.Each candidate will be given two minutes to describe themselves and the reasons they are running. Facilitator and chair of the event Evelyn Guentzel will ask the candidates questions before opening the dialogue to the audience.

“We encourage the public to come out and talk to the candidates face-to-face,” Guentzel said.