New Welcome Center director may serve on Human Rights Commission

Published 7:42 am Monday, September 7, 2009

The new director of the Welcome Center has been recommended to serve on the city’s Human Rights Commission and could be appointed Tuesday.

Sophia Ponce, who started at the center on Aug. 24, said she is excited for the potential opportunity.

“I think it’s a great idea,” she said of serving on the commission. “It’s a great way to see the community.”

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The Human Rights Commission is a mandated organization that works to promote diversity and an inclusive community.

The commission receives city funding — in 2009, that came to $3,500, which is what the committee is seeking in 2010.

Ponce would be replacing Sue Stevenson, who left the board earlier this year. The term would end at the end of the year, at which time Mayor Tom Stiehm plans to reappoint Ponce.

Ponce, who is from Plainview, Texas, has said she is looking forward to her role in Austin.

“I’m here 100 percent,” she said. “My main goal is to make the Welcome Center huge.”

The city council will vote on the appointment Tuesday evening during their regular meeting.