Ivy’s Ink tattoo parlor opens
Published 7:20 am Friday, September 11, 2009
For 62 years, Judy Renwick was tattoo free.
She had no tribal mark on her back, no initials on her neck, no hearts on her ankle.
She always wanted ink on her body, but never went through with it until 2007, when she got a butterfly. Every year since she’s added another butterfly, a symbol she said represents freedom.
“It’s something I always wanted to do, but never had the guts to do it,” the 65-year-old Austin resident said.
Renwick is a customer of Austin’s Chad Iverson, a tattoo artist who opened a new business this week, Ivy’s Ink at 111 11th Ave. N.E. Iverson has been a full-time tattoo artist for some time, but is now on his own, aiming to attract customers of nearly all ages.
“I think any town’s a tattoo town,” he said. “If a shop has a decent reputation and is known in the community, you can be anywhere.”
As far as tattoos go, he has experience.
Iverson got his first ink at 16, a little tribal piece, and has done most of the tattoos on his arms and all of the ones on his legs.
“I kind of lost count,” he said.
Iverson said he got his first tattoo “just to be creative, I guess,” and has always had a fascination for art. He also believes tattoos have increased in popularity over the years.
“I think they’re more popular now,” he said. “It seems like they’re also more acceptable. Back then, you kind of had to be in a bike gang — that was the stereotype — and now it’s pretty much everyone.”
In addition to tattoos, Iverson also sells the Wicked Jester and Lucky 13 brands, California-based clothing lines that are hard to find in stores.
“Neither of these you can get anywhere near here,” Iverson said.
As for the tattoos, customers can be 16 and 17 with a parent’s consent, or otherwise must be 18 or older.
In Renwick’s case, she qualifies no problem and is ready for some more.
“I have another one already picked out that I’m going to get later this summer,” she said. “I’m not into skulls or bones, but I’m into butterflies. I like girly things.”