LETTER: Memorial is the right place for demonstrations

Published 9:37 am Wednesday, July 22, 2009

I can’t disagree more with W. Alcorn’s resentment of the demonstrations held by those who feel that illegal immigrants should be held to the full measure of the law.

When I returned from a tour of duty as a combat infantryman in Vietnam, I questioned why we were there and demonstrated against the war. The good-paying job I left for two years was waiting.

Why do we fight, to protect our land, our constitution, our jobs, our way of life?  I don’t think the friends of mine who died and who’s names are on that memorial were fighting for illegal immigration.

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The good-paying job I returned to pays about half what it did, and there are few benefits.

I think the memorial is the right place and now is the right time to discuss the dysfunction in our legal system that tolerates illegal immigration.

James Goudy
