Twin Cities child dies of H1N1 flu
Published 9:59 am Tuesday, June 16, 2009
The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) announced Monday that a Twin Cities area child who was infected with the H1N1 novel influenza virus has died. The child, who had underlying medical conditions, was briefly hospitalized and died late last week. Laboratory tests subsequently determined that the child had the H1N1 novel influenza.
“Our sympathies go to the family and loved ones of the child who died,” said state epidemiologist Dr. Ruth Lynfield. “For most people, the H1N1 flu is causing mild illness; however, it can still be very serious, especially for people with underlying health conditions. That’s why we continue to monitor the situation very closely.”
To date, 274 cases of the novel virus in Minnesota have been confirmed, including this case, according to the Minnesota Department of Health.
Cases are classified on the MDH Web site by district.
Three H1N1 cases have been confirmed in the Southeast District of the state, which includes Austin, although MDH officials said they only classify cases by district and do not reveal specific counties where cases have been identified.
Ruth Lumley, a nursing supervisor with Mower County’s Community Health Services, said she had not heard of any local cases.
“I am not aware of any cases of H1N1 in Mower County,” she said.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has confirmed 45 deaths from the virus across the country.
“This flu is very widespread, and we expect to see many more cases across the state,” Lynfield said. “That’s why we continue to urge people to take simple precautions to prevent getting it or spreading it.”
Standard prevention recommendations include:
Cover your nose and mouth with your sleeve when you cough or sneeze.
Clean your hands frequently and thoroughly — with soap and water or an alcohol-based hand rub solution.
Clean your hands after shaking hands or having other close contact with other people — before eating or preparing food, or touching your eyes, nose or mouth.
Limit your contact with others who may be ill.
Stay home from work or school — and generally avoid going out in public — if you are sick, remain home for seven days, or until 24 hours after your symptoms resolve, whichever is longer.
Make sure to take enough fluids while you’re sick.
If you are an employer, encourage your employees to stay home if they are sick.
If you do develop possible flu symptoms and you want to consult your health care provider, call before going in for an office visit. You may not need to go in, and if you do need to be seen, a time should be set up when you will not risk exposing others to influenza in the waiting room.
People at risk for severe flu or flu complications should contact their health care provider if they have flu symptoms or have been exposed to people with flu symptoms. Those individuals include people with an underlying medical condition, pregnant women, young children (especially under age two) and people 65 or older.
For more information about novel influenza, please visit the MDH Web site at or visit