Letter: Vote yes on the amendment

Published 11:42 am Friday, October 31, 2008

On Nov. 4, citizens of the state of Minnesota will have the chance to vote on an amendment to the Constitution of Minnesota. It is called the Clean Water, Land, and Legacy Amendment. This amendment would provide a 3/8 of 1% increase in the state sales tax to be dedicated to preserving and protecting our wetlands and outdoor habitats as well as our art and cultural heritage.

I ask the residents of Mower County and surrounding counties to vote yes on this amendment! Preserving the heritage of our county is the mission of MCHS. A yes vote will ensure that there will be a special fund set aside by the state legislature to help MCHS perform this mission.

These additional funds will be helpful in funding special projects and ensuring that we can preserve history for future generations.

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I know that many folks would like to assist the organization in special projects but am unable to do so. The Mower County Historical Society does not solely belong to its members, board of directors, or staff. It belongs to every person who lives in Mower County or has previously lived here. By voting yes on this amendment, you will be doing your little bit to help the Mower County Historical Society. Do not leave the question unmarked! Any unmarked ballots will be marked no by the state and will work against our cause. Please join me in voting yes on the amendment!

Dustin B. Heckman

Executive Director

Mower County Historical Society